About Coursera
I started this course with Coursera on June 8th, 2015 and I am doing this course. When my friend shared a page about Coursera on Facebook, I saw that page so I could start.I always feel like learning program languages is so boring and it's late for me because in order to learn those, I heard, it requires having soft-brain. In fact when I was learning C language in my University, I was frustrated a lot.
Anyway just recently, I was feeling like I need to learn coding and eventually I made a decision to learn programing.
I believe Coursera will change the current fashion of education industry. This is one of revolutions in history. I heard that a boy in Mongolian, just 17-year-old, finished a course offered by MIT in Coursera with a nice grade. So MIT picked him as its student.
Students who part in Coursera courses are really active and enthusiastic. That is why Coursera does not have to interview people who want to become Coursera's students. Students can make their own course which is only one in the world and they don't have to take a lot of stupid lectures which are existing for benefit and mandatory for graduation.
About my professor
He is so cool! He wrote a book which is used for this lecture to give away to all people who want to read.Look at him. He has some tattoos showing his passion. We could know how passionate he is. So I want to listen his stories more such like how did he start to be committed to these works, What does he want to do with his contribution to these works and etc.
And I found that there are a lot of lectures from University of Michigan. I don't know why but I think he has persuaded many professors.
About lectures
For ten weeks, I have to take 10 quizzes, and 16 assignments and 11th week, there is an optional part. And you can download all videos in this lecture. I has done it for four week. I think it is not that tough even now.In order to get a certification, I had to pay ahead within a specific time. It was 49$. Cheap, really cheap. Of course there are a lot of free Python lectures on internet and I could have bought a book. But this lecture always emails me when I need to do something in this course so that I can keep track of this lecture.
In fact, 49$ could be expensive for someone. (Actually, I hesitated to pay for this because it is not essential and I have no income now.) so I want Coursera to allow students to pay after finishing lectures when people need to print certifications.